Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Reality TV

Reality TV is yet another drain on society and in my opinion one of the biggest ones. Millions of viewers turn on their TV every night to watch these shows we call reality TV, to me there is nothing real about any of these shows as they all have scripts and their days planned for them. They play it off as that is their life and they do what they want to do but nothing in those shows is actually real. These shows do nothing but fool people mostly the younger kids of our society into thinking they themselves can have a life like this. If you go and look back and look at some of the shows that were the founders of the reality tv such as Jackass, you can see how much things have changed since then. However that show im sure sent more kids to the ER from trying to do the stuff they see than any other show out there. Then you go onto shows such as Jersey Shore which in my opinion is just a complete joke. They do nothing but promote going out and getting drunk and making a complete fool of themselves every time they step foot in front of the camera. To me its shows like Jersey Shore that hinder our youth and give them a complete false sense of being an adult, not to mention the show Teen Mom and how that show promotes teen pregnancy. There is always two ways to look at something and just by their ratings it shows that more people like this kind of television than don’t but these are my views on the subject.

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